RK 95 TP bayonet

Finnish AK and Valmet Bayonets

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RK 95 TP bayonet

Post by NICO56 »


In addition to the widely used bayonets for RK54 and RK62, the Finnish armed forces opted for a German bayonet for the RK 95 TP rifle. This is the KCB 77 M17KH.
I let you examine the photos
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Re: RK 95 TP bayonet

Post by Mr. B. »

Great information and pictures! There are more pictures of the KCB-77 in the German section. I wonder if the Finnish version has any special markings? That would be interesting to document/picture. Mike
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Re: RK 95 TP bayonet

Post by NICO56 »

According to the Finnish site, the KCB bayonets were purchased directly from eickhorn solingen without specifying anything more.
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Re: RK 95 TP bayonet

Post by NICO56 »

You can see that it is a KCB 77 M1 / ​​KH model compatible with many western weapons. In the Germany section, this is the specific M7 model for Ak. The fixing for bayonet between RK 95 TP and its AK "cousins" is different
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Re: RK 95 TP bayonet

Post by Mr. B. »

I agree. The Finnish version appears to be rather standardized one. These Eickhorn designed bayonets from the 1970 - 1980 were made to fit many of the worlds standard military rifles used by many different countries armed forces. There were differences the pommels and locking devices. Different shapes and colors of the grips. Different muzzle rings and cross guards. Also differences in the blade designs, lengths and finishes. Some were without wire cutters and the were a multitude of different scabbard variations. There was even a version with a built in electric current detector. Over the years these bayonets have been made by several other manufactures in different countries. To me the Finnish one pictured here is unique only in the color of the grip and scabbard. Google "Eickhorn" for the whole story. Mike
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Re: RK 95 TP bayonet

Post by Mr. B. »

The Eickhorn bayonets and knives were imported and sold by Sherwood and then Northridge. At one time I had 12-15 different variations in my collection. I gave up trying to get all the different versions after seeing over 50 different ones. The ones made exclusively for the AKM rifles, (At least two different variations), were made in small quantities as sales and trials samples. I never have owned one and to the best of my knowledge they were never adopted by any country. Mike
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