Unusual numbering on Tula 6X4 Type II ?

Russian AK Bayonets

Moderator: Mr. B.

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Mr. B.
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Unusual numbering on Tula 6X4 Type II ?

Post by Mr. B. »

I was examining my Russian Tula 6X4 type II bayonets yesterday and noticed something unusual. I have several with the usual matching numbers on the scabbard body and grip and a couple new un-numbered ones. Then there was this one. It's in excellent, near new condition and has matching numbers. However they are hand etched on the side of the pommel and cutter plate. The numbers on the cutter plate are hard to picture as someone has tried the wire cutter and worn the finish. Not the usual Russian numbering or placement. Has anyone else seen one like this and/or have any idea what the difference means?

Perhaps sold or provided new in-numbered to another country where it was numbered /issued? Mike
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