Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
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Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Here are some important variations found in the Russian AKM 6X3 Type I scabbards. I will try to illustrate the different chronological changes but have no definite time schedule on the changes. I have yet to even find a way to differentiate between those made by Izhevsk and Tula. I keep them separate and use the arsenal marks on the matching numbered bayonets to determine the difference. These bayonets are difficult to find in new or unissued condition and most have been used, issued, reissued, reworked and stored over the years with little or no attempt to keep the bayonets and scabbards together. Mixed old vs new and arsenal vs arsenal. to add to the confusion all the replaceable parts, (grip panels, buttons, straps, hangers, and insulators), have often been replaced with non-original replacement parts.
The variations I will illustrate are the ones that are permanent and not subject to replacement or continual rework. the following picture are all from scabbards I identify as Tula. However the same variations are found on the ones from the Izhevsk arsenal.
The 1st and most obvious variation is the shape of the top of the wire cutter pivot. The early versions have a shorter, FLAT top. This was found to be difficult to engage with the slot in the bayonet blade especially under field condition. A new, taller, more ROUND top was designated. As these pivots were threaded, then welded in, they were not subject to rework or replacement. M.
The variations I will illustrate are the ones that are permanent and not subject to replacement or continual rework. the following picture are all from scabbards I identify as Tula. However the same variations are found on the ones from the Izhevsk arsenal.
The 1st and most obvious variation is the shape of the top of the wire cutter pivot. The early versions have a shorter, FLAT top. This was found to be difficult to engage with the slot in the bayonet blade especially under field condition. A new, taller, more ROUND top was designated. As these pivots were threaded, then welded in, they were not subject to rework or replacement. M.
- Mr. B.
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Another way to differentiate between older, (original), and newer Type I scabbards are the hanger attachment bars. These bars are fabricated and attached to scabbard body by spot welds and are basically non replaceable. The original bar was cut and formed from sheet metal. it formed a flat attachment bar for a non removable hanger. An extension on the lower part of the hanger bar was folded under to form a smooth surface for a non removable fabric belt hanger. Here are pictures of the original bar hanger from my collection. These are difficult to find as most were either scrapped or modified to take a standard snap hook hanger. Mike
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
As one can imagine, the non removable hanger was not very functional as the scabbard and the permanently attached hanger had to be removed from the belt to be used as a wire cutter. Not a very good idea for soldiers in the field. A possible reason for the 1st style permanently attached bar hanger was because it was a carry over from the ones on the AK47 scabbards. The hanger materials and design/assembly were readily available. When this hanger style was deemed unsatisfactory a new one designed with a snap hook to attach to belt loop making the hanger detachable. It enabled them to continue to use the flat attachment bar on the scabbard. This idea eventually evolved into the design presently in use with the snap hook attached the belt loop. The pictures below are not originals, but reproductions made from illustrations in various reference books. Mike
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
The next step in the evolution was to design a scabbard attachment point to enable the use of a snap hook hanger. The result was a simple bent wire piece flattened at the ends and spot welded to the scabbard body. The wire was formed into a protruding loop on the back side to engage a snap hook which was part of the separate belt hanger. Several different styles of the belt hangers were tried, but the end result was the hanger still in use today. To be able to continue to be able to use the existing older scabbards with the hanger attachment bars a modification was authorized. This consisted of cutting or grinding a semi-circular piece out of the lower part of the hanger bar. This removed part of the folded edge and narrowed the with of the bar to be able to engage a snap hook. The shape and centering of the cutouts were often irregular as there were no precise specifications as can be seen in the pictures. Mike
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
One thing to note in the pictures is the placement of the different styles of hanger attachments. The flat bar type is nearer the top of the scabbard and the wire loop type is further from the top. Regardless of the style, the hanger attachments are welded to the scabbard and not subject to removal or replacement. The only rework encountered is the cut out in the original bar type. Mike
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
The final difference to observe is the absence of an insulator stop on the side of the scabbard body on the original and early scabbards. Without this stop the rubber insulators tended to slide off the scabbard when being worn or used as a wire cutter. This was especially critical when cutting electrified wire. Exposure to fluids and temperature extremes caused the insulators to become loose. On later production a small piece of sheet metal was bent 90 degrees and spot welded to the front of the scabbard body to retain the insulator. During production there were small differences in the shape of this piece. The older scabbards were sometimes reworked and a stop was added, but these were irregular and it appears that no official rework was authorized. Many of the original scabbards have been reworked several times and still are found without stops. Below is one from my collection with an added stop. Notice the shape and position compared to a production version. Mike
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Also note that some of the early scabbards had a blued finish and the later ones were painted. This is difficult to use as a variation due to the fact that most of the ones found have been reissued, reworked and painted and repainted over the years, The production changes on the Cutter Pivot, the Hanger Attachment and the Insulator Stop appeared to have happened at separate times as examples are found with different combinations of features. This also maybe caused by different production change overs between the arsenals. Mike
Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Here is a fairly recent addition to my collection. I was pleasantly surprised when this one arrived with a hard-to-find scabbard variant. this one is very nice Izhevsk example with a beautiful orange handle.
The scabbard features the 1st variant modified with a cutout for use with the updated hangers. it also appears to have never had an insulator stop installed.
The scabbard features the 1st variant modified with a cutout for use with the updated hangers. it also appears to have never had an insulator stop installed.
- Mr. B.
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Congrats! Very nice, very early, Izhevsk AKM 6X3 Type I bayonet and scabbard. Very difficult to find in like new condition with original matching numbers. The synthetic /vinyl hanger is a nice bonus too!
- Dragur2791
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Very nice 6x3 bayo indeed! I like the stamping of the numbers on the cross guard. To me that looks unusual.
- Mr. B.
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Re: Russian AKM 6X3 Type I Scabbard Variations
Yes, the stamped numbers are unusual. I have seen a lot of Russian Izhevsk AKM 6X3 Type I bayonets and only a few have had stamped numbers. I am not sure what, if anything they mean. The one in my collection below raises even more questions. Notice the one above is on an early version with the round strap hook. The one below is the later version with the more squared hook. Maybe different production runs required different numbering? Mike