North Korean Transitionals

North Korean AK Bayonets

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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by juris07 »

ready to buy North Korean transitional bayo
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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by Mr. B. »

I also would like to have one of the more common ones to display and study. That would be the one with the AK-47 style hilt and the newer style AKM bowie blade. At least there seem to be a few of these in circulation and they are pictured In several references. The second reversed style, with the Ak47 blade in an AKM hilt, seems to be a one of kind sample. For me, the jury is still out on this one. It doesn't seem logical or practical to me. Mike
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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by juris07 »

yes, for me that same... interested to obtain the AK-47 style hilt with bowie blade
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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by mill_speer »

North Korea actually has a great many varieties of AK bayonets that most of us will never get our hands on.
The second transition bayonet is 100% handicraft work.
At first glance you can see that the blade bends upwards, everything else, I save myself the trouble, Mike has already commented on it correctly.
I will present a North Korea transition bayonet AK 47/58 mounted on an AK 47 and an M68 on an AKM, as well as an M68 on an AK 74
AK AKM Korea (5) - Kopie.JPG
AK AKM Korea (9).JPG
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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by Mr. B. »

I recently received some new barrowed pictures of a T58 (AK47) to T68 (AKM) transitional bayonet. Comparing these new pictures with the pictures of the T58 and T68 we already have gives us a better idea of how they were made. The main change was the machining of the crossguard and latch block. The hole for the blade tang was made thinner, taller and squared at the top and bottom.. The original T58 sliding latch lock and spring were retained. Behind the crossguard the T68 tang was machined to match with the T58. Then the thinner tang was shimmed on both sides to be able to reuse the T58 grip panels and pommel.
One of the pictures is of the front of the crossguard on one of my T58 bayonets. Compare with the one of the front of the Transitional. Note the similar proof marks. Mike
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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by ilian »

thanks for the pictures :)
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Re: North Korean Transitionals

Post by Brian »

Appreciate the info Mike.
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