Very nice! Looks like you have the three basic versions covered. The original Type I with wood grip and standard Type II & III versions, (1-3-5 in your pictures). Numbers 2 and 4 in the pictures are both reworks with non-standard rivet placement. Very impressive display. Mike
Hi Bruno, The one with two rivets is a typical Type I that has the original one piece wood grip replaced by the two piece beaver barf, (wood chip), grip panels. There are many different placements of the rivets during this repair / rework operation. There is a authorized rivet position for replacement, but it was not always adhered to. Depending on where and when the replacement was performed. The one with the smooth grip panels is not current. It is a Type II which was later replaced by the Type III. This is an unauthorized or custom modification. Are the grips wood or painted over beaver barf panels? Two piece grips can be glued together without using rivets. If the grip or grips are solid wood it could be a custom set that have been available from various sources. Available in different types of wood, (birch, walnut, cherry, etc.) and different colors of finish. Regardless, unauthorized, unofficial civilian modifications. Mike
Mr. B. wrote: Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:06 am
Are the grips wood or painted over beaver barf panels? Two piece grips can be glued together without using rivets. If the grip or grips are solid wood it could be a custom set that have been available from various sources. Available in different types of wood, (birch, walnut, cherry, etc.) and different colors of finish. Regardless, unauthorized, unofficial civilian modifications.
1) grip is wooden and for sure solid (in one pice)..
2) grip seems to be covered with some special dark liquid for wooden materials..
3) blade seems to be originally white(!) metal just painted with some black paint..
4) the blade has code marking only at the one side - all the other my czechs have those markings at the both sides of blade..
5) it has working fixation for the rifle..
Several years ago there were several sources for theses custom reworked VZ58 bayonets. They would buy cheap surplus bayonets with worn finishes and damaged or missing grips. They striped down the metal and refinished it by reblued or painting it. They then replaced the grips with newly made one piece wood handles. They used many different woods and finishes. They would even take requests. Some did excellent work and produced replicas of the original Type I bayonets with the wood grips that were difficult if not impossible to tell from the originals. The original blade markings depend on when they were made and issued. Not uncommon to have only one side marked. Mike
Here is a sample of what was advertised online for replacement grips. Basically they would make whatever you wanted. The VZ 58 bayonets are very simple and easy to rework. The one piece blades can be stripped, reconditioned and reprofiled with a file and refinished. Also there are sources of new old stock original grip panels, even the early wood one piece ones. Rivets and washers are also available. I, personally have enough original parts to make up any Type I, II, or III, bayonets. Without any rivets or with 1 to 3 or more in various positions. Just remember, only three basic bayonets models as they were manufactured at the arsenal. All the other variations are a result of repair, reconditioning and rework at various times and places over the years, even after they were sold as surplus. Mike
Nice collection of VZ58 bayonet and knife variations. I had issues with the short bayonets in the pictures until I realized it was the photo perspective. I have not seen anything like the top two in the first picture before. They appear to be Type I and II bayonets that have been Nickle or chrome plated, possibly for dress or parade purposes? The third one according to references is not a bayonet, but a presentation knife made from a chrome plated, un-completed Type III bayonet. The bottom bayonet appears to be a nice original early Type I bayonet with the wood grip. Mike
The second picture is a nice group of Type I bayonets with a variety of wood chip grip panels. One appears to be original due to 2 rivets and placement. The others have been repaired or reworked with non-original glue only and /or rivet placement. Most of the bayonets that the Czechs released as surplus are ones that have been inspected, repaired and reworked and placed in reserve years ago. Grip repairs and replacement were only done to be functional with no standardization. Mike
The third picture is very interesting. The top one is a type is a Type I bayonet that has been repaired using flat Type III grip panels and a piece of wood(?) filler where the Type III tang would be in the hilt. All this secured using 3 rivets. The 3 types of VZ58 bayonets only used 2 rivets in standardized placement when new from the producing arsenal / factory.
I believe the second one is the most interesting and rare one. The Type I and II bayonets had many weaknesses. Especially in durability, ergonomics, heft and balance. All these were addresses in designing the Type III bayonets. They were forged with a full length tang extending beyond the end of the grips. At some point in time a project was started to convert / rework the existing Type I and II bayonets to Type III by welding an extension on the short hilt tangs. The welds were ground smooth and covered by new flat Type III grip panels. This project was soon dropped as it was labor and time consuming and cheaper just to make new Type IIIs. Examples of this conversion are rare and usually not recognized for what they are. The one pictured is a Type I conversion which is easier to identify due to the short round cross guard. The Type IIs are almost impossible to find unless you remove the grips or know what to look for. Mike
Forth picture appears to be two Type III bayonets. The top one may be original one or repaired to original specifications using two rivets. The lower one has had the grip panels replaced or secured by using a third, non-standard rivet.
To further confuse things, either one or both of these bayonets could also be Type II bayonets converted to Type III by welding on the tang extensions mentioned in the last post above. Look for the evidence of welds and grinding at the top and bottom of the hilt tang. Mike
Last edited by Mr. B. on Sun Oct 04, 2020 12:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Fifth picture is of the newer fabric scabbards. I have only seen pictures of the third one. Is this the one you refer to as Slovak? If so why? Information please. I would like to have one of these in my collection. Any Idea where I can find one? Thanks, MIke
The sixth and last picture appears to be a variety of Type II bayonets. The one with two rivets appears to be original or repaired to original specifications. The rest have been repaired or reworked using non standard methods, (rivets & placement). The top one has unusually light colored grip panels. There are sometimes different shades as molded, but these appear to have been sanded or refinished? Mike
A large part of these bayonets as well as the pixel scabbard were bought from a Czech seller on eBay but who closed his account. Here are photos of the Slovak camouflage.
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Are there any differences in the VZ58 bayonets Issued and used by the Slovak military? I would be interested if anyone has a source for the Slovak scabbard. Mike