Chromed bayonet

South African R-Series Bayonets

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Chromed bayonet

Post by NICO56 »

I just found three interesting photos of a chrome parade bayonet, an R1 modification, mounted on an R4.
armed-forces-5 (1).jpg
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Re: Chromed bayonet

Post by Mr. B. »

Very interesting pictures! Unfortunately all new to me. A complete mystery, both rifles and bayonets. One bayonet actually seems to be wearing a condom? To prevent snagging a flag? Hopefully Brian can provide more information / pictures. It’s in his neck of the woods!?
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Re: Chromed bayonet

Post by NICO56 »

I think it's a kind of short scabbard rather than a condom. But what use?
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Re: Chromed bayonet

Post by Brian »

To be honest, trying to understand why South Africa used what when, is pointless. I don't think they know themselves. They don't even have an official bayonet for the R4's, and half the time when they have an important parade they try and drag out old R1/Fn's so that they can mount their shiny chromed spikey things.
When they don't have time or R1's, I suspect they take the same bayonets and just loosely drape them over the muzzles of the R4's. I doubt any of those in the pics were converted in any way. As for the guy with the cutoff metal Fal Type C scabbard tip jammed over his bayonet point? Why knows?? Perhaps after one too many times jabbing his buddy in the back of the head, he has been sentenced to wear the dreaded bayonet condom of shame? :mrgreen:
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