Indian INSAS Bayonets

Moderator: Mr. B.

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Post by NICO56 »

I saw, some time ago, on the internet a recent variant of INSAS, the EXCALIBUR. The plastics are now black. The same goes for the bayonet which does not seem to have changed much compared to the initial model.
It should be noted that the second photo shows the accessories for JVPC, a new submachine gun. The bayonet is similar to that of the EXCALIBUR but with some differences.
1586579412_insas-excalibur-mark-i.jpg (19.58 KiB) Viewed 10085 times
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Re: EXCALIBUR bayonet

Post by Dragur2791 »

Nice! Another one added to the ‘wanted’ list !! Thanks for sharing!
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Re: EXCALIBUR bayonet

Post by Mr. B. »

Yes, It has been observed that different versions of the INSAS bayonet and scabbard exist. Black and bright blades and metal, Black and orange scabbards and grips with flat and gloss finishes. Usually they are only seen in pictures of experimental and prototype weapons. This is the first time I have seen a submachine gun version. It appears to have a muzzle ring extension on the cross guard. Note this photo is from an oriental publication, (lower right corner). One off bayonets and scabbards made up for promotional purposes?
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