Bit scarce for the next few weeks

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Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by Brian »

I'll be a bit scarce here for a few weeks.
Having had serious sciatica the past year or so.....seen physio, chiro, neuro, mri scan, ct scan, doctors etc etc. Kept repeating to the point that I couldn't walk or get out of bed. 3 x Spinal block injections. Only one worked. Last round of this hit me 3 weeks ago and it was bad. Constant nerve pain.
MRI scan, guy said to me I'm wasting my money on anything..I need surgery.
So last Wed I had serious spinal surgery. Screws into 3 vertebra and a titanium spacer.
Long story short..I'm very sore and kinda bed bound. Sitting at the pc is bad. But I hope to come right.
So I'll be on and off. Shouldn't influence the forum. Cheers.
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Re: Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by ilian »

Take care Brian! Hope you'll be fine quickly
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Re: Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by Mr. B. »

Hope your recovery goes well and you are up and around soon. It doesn't sound like a lot of fun dealing with the constant nagging pain. Hope the surgery was successful and improves the situation. You are in my thoughts, wish you well! Cheers! Mike
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Re: Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by steelmonkey »

God's speed on a fast recovery
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Re: Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by furtium »

Wishing you well and a resolution for your pain.
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Re: Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by Brian »

Thanks guys. Op went ok...I am recovering slowly. Out of action for about 6-8 weeks and mainly bed bound with a little hobbling around.
But all ok, I'm still here. Thanks for the kind wishes.
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Re: Bit scarce for the next few weeks

Post by MDIvie »

Speedy recovery Brian.
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