Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

Bulgarian AK bayonets

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Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

Post by Mr. B. »

The following bayonets and scabbards I believe may be of Bulgarian origins. This does not mean they were necessarily made or issued by Bulgaria, but have one or more of the following features that many collectors associate with being Bulgarian.

A. Bayonets having no markings other than a serial number on the side of the pommel perpendicular to the bayonet axis.
B. Scabbards are unmarked in any way.
B. Scabbards with a drain hole on the back side.
C. Scabbards having a blued finish with half vertical and half horizontal sanded texture.
D. Scabbard with a permanently attached hanger and the hilt loop attached with two rivets.
E. Hanger hilt straps pointing left.

These bayonets could have been manufactured or assembled from parts. Other than the basic placement of the serial numbers, they vary in the size and style of the numbers. The numbering could have been done at any time or country issuing the bayonets. As the scabbards are not numbered or matched to these bayonets they could have been manufactured and supplied separately or mixed at any time and cannot be used to identify the bayonet as to manufacture or issue. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Keep in mind Russia designed and manufactured the early AK47 rifles and then added the bayonet design and manufacture at a latter point. They originally supplied the rifles and bayonets to all the other ComBloc countries with a few exceptions like Czechoslovakia. They later sold or traded the equipment and technology to make the rifles and/or bayonets to various other countries. Many of the ComBloc and other countries never made their own AK47 rifles or bayonets but were supplied with them separately by other counties. As an example, Hungary used AK47 rifles and bayonets, but supposedly never made them. Their AK47 rifles could have theoretically been made by Russia and the bayonets by Bulgaria, etc.. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Here are the first four Bulgarian AK47 bayonets examples with one piece hanger bars, tu-tone scabbards and blued finishes. Top to bottom below: One has a three digit number, (328). One has black grips, (3524). One is completely unmarked. One has an all leather hanger,(3061). Note, I believe the last one may be Romanian. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Here are more pictures of the black grips. Most of these Bulgarian bayonets have mottled brown to reddish brown plastic type grip panels. Occasionally they are found with flat black plastic grips. These can also be recognized by the circular mold marks around the screw holes. Whether these have any significance in their place of manufacture or issue is unknown. There is also a possibility that they are a result of replacement or rework. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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This is the next group of Bulgarian AK47 bayonets. These three all have the two band scabbard hanger brackets. It is unknown whether this scabbard variation is an additional original concurrent design, or an early or late design. Some believe it may also be just a rework/replacement variation. Below, top to bottom: One has a standard tu-tone scabbard, (3415). One has smooth blued scabbard and a two Cyrillic letter and three number serial number, (AB 196). One has a tu-tone scabbard, NO drain hole, (7064). Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Always remember that the scabbards do not always identify a bayonet or vis versa. The scabbards may have been made for a particular bayonet and issued, combined from separate sources, replaced/mixed during inspections, repair or rework. They could have been mixed or combined at any point in time before you see them. I have actually replaced some damaged/missing hanger, etc., scabbards myself, but tried to duplicate what they originally had. I have tried to obtain representable samples of visibly "different" variations. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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This is the last group of Bulgarian AK47 bayonets. These four bayonets and scabbards all have black painted finishes. I believe these are the last ones made, possible for contract/export sales. All four have some differences in manufacture and details. All four seem to be in new unissued condition. Note that two of the bayonets have cast pommels and cross guards with rough exteriors. The other two have machined pommels and cross guards with minor differences in machining. Top to bottom below: One is standard machined, (2920), One is rough machined, un-numbered, One is cast, mold number, (1-3), on left of pommel, no serial number, Last one is cast, mold number, (3-4), numbered on right side of pommel, (1776). Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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This is a supplement to the last post showing the serial number on the right side of the last bayonet above. Also another side note, some of the black painted scabbards like the four pictured above have a light to moderate crease pressed in the front and back lengthwise in the sides. This is apparently intentional to strengthen the scabbard against dents and bending. This is difficult to show in pictures, but can be seen below. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Another note on the Above "Bulgarian" serial numbers. Not only are the fonts different heights and styles, but also different placement and digit spacing. Note that the "2", (straight leg vs curved at bottom), "3", (Flat top vs rounded), and "7", Straight leg vs curved), are different in style. Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

Post by Brian »

Thanks for the info Mike, very useful. If I learned one thing here, it is that my confusion over AK47 identification is very justified. There doesn't seem to be ANY concrete identification features, each one having some or other exceptions. Bulgarian - Single hanger bar? Nope...there are some with split. Certain scabbard finish? Nope..some painted, some polished etc. Certain serialization? Nope..some unmarked, some with different fonts. Certain pommel? Nope...some cast, some machined. Reddish grips? Nope...some with black grips. Drain hole on back? Nope..some with none, some with mismatched scabbards.
No wonder all the confusion. lol. Is there anything that gives one away 100% surely as Bulgarian?
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Confusing, yes! Positive Bulgarian ID, not really! Mixed bayonets and scabbard, quite possible! Yeah ....... you've got the general idea! The Bulgarian ID seems to be a catch-all for anything that can't positively be identified as anything else. For me, key points seem to be; tu-tone scabbard, (both single and two hanger band), two rivet hanger, left point hilt strap, drain hole in back, vertical block numbers. The more of the key points, the more positive the ID !?

Russia, (Izhevsk), Bulgaria, Poland, DDR, China, N. Korea and possibly Romania and Indonesia are the only ones that actually manufactured AK47 bayonets. Except for Russia, many of them either imported completed bayonets and scabbards or parts to assemble them from the others countries before starting their own production. Almost all the ComBloc countries and many other countries world wide used AK47 rifles, bayonets and scabbards. Some were supplied, (issued), new and some obtained 2nd and 3rd hand. Mixed components were common. Rework and repair further complicate the issue of identification. Because of their age and lack of detailed information, AK47 are difficult to ID and collect. I look for and collect anything that is "different" or "unusual" including minor variations, to show as a representative examples. For example, a certain number font/size maybe determined as Hungarian or Egyptian issue!? Some may never be identified by country of issue.

Note: China and Indonesia produced AK47 bayonets, but apparently never issued them. From all that is known they were made only in limited numbers for export to the commercial/collectors market.
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

Post by porterkids »

Bulgarian AK47 with three-digit serial number with A prefix
Bulgarian 47 A-1.JPG
Bulgarian 47 A-2.JPG
Bulgarian 47 A-3.JPG
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

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Bulgarian AK47 with markings indicating training use.
Bulgarian 47 trainer-1.JPG
Bulgarian 47 trainer-2.JPG
Bulgarian 47 trainer-3.JPG
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

Post by Mr. B. »

One of mine, (pictured above), has two Cyrillic letters followed three digits. I have never seen one with the numbers followed by two letters. Very interesting variation to look for. Where did you come up with the "training use"? I've never heard of that. Thanks, Mike
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Re: Bulgarian AK47 Bayonet & Scabbard Variations

Post by Brian »

Very nice indeed. You have some great bayonets Bill.
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