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What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:42 pm
by CarlosC
Found one of these on a European website for $55 USD. The listing is for a "souvenir" 6X5 with the stamping you see below and the opposite side of the blade has an "OTK 68" ink stamp. This doesn't look like the ones on the souvenir post, so does anyone have any idea what these are?

Their English-version description says,

"Bayonet is for AK 74 and AK 74M assault rifles.

The original sheath is supplied with the bayonet.

Purpose: the study of the material part of weapons, collecting, use in theatrical and film performance, reconstruction.
Manufacturing of components of military decommissioned weapons.

The highest possible authenticity with a combat bayonet.
No weakening cut on the blade."


Re: What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 11:04 pm
by Mr. B.
You can read about them here: ... k-6x5.html
I believe this statement sums it up, " Manufacturing from components of military decommissioned weapons.". My best guess is that there is something in their construction that makes them unable to be used as a bayonet or knife as per Russian law.

Re: What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:07 am
by nnicclaas
My gut feeling would be non working catch. At least thats what it looks like in the pictures.

Re: What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:42 am
by Mr. B.
That and a either a soft (Alloy?) or brittle blade. M.

Re: What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:42 am
by Mr. B.
Mr. B. wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:42 am That and a either a soft (alloy?) or brittle blade. M.

Re: What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:27 pm
by mill_speer
I can't really get used to the Pictures on offer.
Components and parts of decommissioned Weapons were used in the Descriptions.
I only see an intact 6X5 Bayonet with no signs of any post-processing. It may be that the Bayonet lock was blocked with permanent adhesive
(is just a thought).
The Blade was provided with laser engraving, stylistic Logo AK and HC-AK 5 but that is not enough for legalization according to Russian laws.
Mike could be right about the brittle Blade, I have marked the Area that is conspicuous for it.
I think whoever buys the bayonet gets one that does not match the offer pictures. In the worst case, nothing at all.

So richtig kann ich mich nicht mit den Bildern des Angebot anfreunden.
In der Beschreibungen wurden Komponenten ,Teile stillgelegter Waffen verwendet.
Ich sehe nur ein intaktes 6X5 Bajonett ohne jegliche Anzeichen von irgend einer nachträglichen Bearbeitung. Es kann sein, das die Bajonettveriegelung mit unlösbaren Kleber blockiert wurde
(ist nur ein Gedanke ).
Die Klinge wurde mit Lasergravur versehen, stilistisches Logo AK und HC-AK 5 das reicht aber nicht für die Legalisierung nach russischen Gesetzen.
Mike könnte recht haben, mit der spröden Klinge,ich habe den Bereich der dafür auffällig erscheint Markiert.
Ich denke wer das Bajonett kauft erhält eins das nicht den Angebotsbildern entspricht oder gar keines.

Re: What type of 6X5 is this?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:17 am
by Mr. B.
Replacing a missing picture. Mike