Gray akm scabbard

Polish AK bayonets

Moderator: Mr. B.

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Gray akm scabbard

Post by NICO56 »

This scabbard has been painted gray. The paint was applied very well. There is no trace of the brush. It looks like it was sprayed, there is no sag. Painting is permanent and not temporary. Do you have an opinion on its origin and what would be the reason for having painted it?
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Mr. B.
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Re: Gray akm scabbard

Post by Mr. B. »

From the pictures, I can tell that this is indeed an early Polish AKM Type I scabbard. Originally issued with either a late 6H3 or early 6H4 bayonet. This can be confirmed by the style and placement of the stamped 4 digit serial number, the wire cutter stop at the tip of the scabbard and the markings, (proof/inspection), on the cutter plate.
I have never seen a grey painted scabbard like this and there is no information concerning it in my references. There are too many variables to document this painting either in Poland or in any secondary issue or usage. Many of these scabbard were exported both new and used. Where, when and by who, this paint was applied is unknown and almost impossible to document. Whether it was done for a reason in military use or a one of a kind project by an individual after being released to the general public is unknown. Interesting to consider, but not a collectable item to me, to easy replicate. Mike
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Mr. B.
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Re: Gray akm scabbard

Post by Mr. B. »

As a side note, Poland did produce a grey scabbard, however it was a result of a phosphate finish, not painted. The phosphate is applied to bare metal and chemically bonds to the surface, similar to bluing or plating. This was done for reworking and export sales. Perhaps the grey painted scabbard is someone's attempt to replicate a phosphate finish or just refinishing an old scabbard for personal use? M.
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