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Commercial bayonet

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:00 pm
by NICO56
I made the strange discovery of this commercial bayonet manufactured by the Bavarian company MFH. The bayonet shows all the characteristics of a Hungarian model but in black

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:27 pm
by Mr. B.
Very interesting commercial replica of an AKM 6X3 Type I bayonet and scabbard. I think MDI was asking about a black Hungarian version some time ago. There are lots of interesting little details in that picture. It would be interesting to see more detailed picture and information. I wonder if it is all new materials or if some of the pieces are original from some country. For example the grips and scabbard from East Germany? The leather pieces could be originals dyed totally black, not just black faced leather. However the hanger stud has a screw back that is commercial. The angulation of the blade saw teeth seems to change, weird. Also the flat behind the muzzle ring seems too long. Blade marking is AK 47 is incorrect as it is an AKM. Nice display piece though, I would like to have one.

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:18 pm
by NICO56

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:24 am
by Mr. B.
Thanks for the links. I will try to post the pictures. From the pictures, they appear to be completely new fabrication with no surplus parts. Strictly a reproduction for display only. The prices listed range from 39,98 to 44,99 Euros, (approx. $47. - $53.), plus shipping. Mike

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:34 am
by Mr. B.
Pictures of the Commercial MFH all black (AKM) 6X3 Type I bayonet and scabbard reproduction. Mike
MFH commercial 6X3 black 9jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 9jpg.jpg (21.24 KiB) Viewed 12702 times
MFH commercial 6X3 black 8jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 8jpg.jpg (14.81 KiB) Viewed 12702 times
MFH commercial 6X3 black 5jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 5jpg.jpg (6.62 KiB) Viewed 12702 times
MFH commercial 6X3 black 2.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 3jpg.jpg

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:37 am
by Mr. B.
A few more pictures. Mike
MFH commercial 6X3 black 11jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 10jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 7jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 7jpg.jpg (15.16 KiB) Viewed 12702 times
MFH commercial 6X3 black 6jpg.jpg
MFH commercial 6X3 black 6jpg.jpg (14.86 KiB) Viewed 12702 times
MFH commercial 6X3 black 4jpg.jpg

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:37 am
by NICO56
Indeed, these are completely new materials. The blade is very shiny compared to one of the Hungarian model

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:18 am
by MDIvie
Interesting. Who the hell is MFH? I feel I should know but am drawing a complete blank.

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:02 am
by NICO56
I found this explanation on the internet

MFH seems Max Fuchs Hinterschmiging, creator and the city

""MFH - German company founded in 1981 in Hinterschmiding (Bavarian wood) and has established itself as a leading wholesale company in the brand of Outdoor, Military, Camping, Security, Vintage und Knifes due to continuously expansion of product line and logistics. The company moved to Freyung in 2005, where there are about 1000 various articles on stock. In our military web shop find MFH brand of military wear and survival equipment, original articles of high quality from army stocks, as well as import goods. These import goods meet the highest requirements of quality and treatment and are produced by our business partners all over the world. MFH offer all sorts of clothing like for bdu pants, jackets, caps, survival and tactical gear and patches""

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:10 pm
by NICO56
Max Fuchs also created a Mission For High brand for tactical gear

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:51 pm
by mill_speer
MFH bayonet
That was made in a moderate quality.
Handle material made of thermoplastic, not glued, only fastened with screws and covered with plastic caps.
Blade 14.00cm long, roughly ground and chrome-plated.
Saw incorrectly milled.
The base on the Crosspeice is oversized and cannot be locked onto the weapon, the bayonet falls off. All metal parts are painted black
The Scabbard is welded from two sheet metal parts and tapers by 2.0 mm from the top to the shear part. The shear part is without a cleaning hole. The hook eye is very far out.
The isolator is made of silicone rubber.
The bayonet hanger made of thin cowhide, carrying hook made of very thin spring steel.
The price of 40, - € for such a decorative bayonet is very excessive, a maximum of 10, - € would be realistic.
Best regards.
Das wurde im einer mäßigen Qualität gefertigt.
Griffmaterial aus Thermoplast ,nicht geklebt nur mit Schrauben befestigt und mit Plastikkappen abgedeckt.
Klinge 14,0 cm lang, grob geschliffen und Verchromt.
Säge fehlerhaft gefräßt.
Der Sokkel am Parrierteil ist übergroß und kann nicht auf der Waffe veriegelt werden, das Bajonett fällt ab. Alle Metallteile sind schwarz Lackiert
Die Scheide ist aus zwei Blechteilen verschweißt und verjüngt sich um 2,0 mm von oben zum Scherteil. Das Scherteil ist ohne Reinigungsloch. Die Hakenöse steht sehr weit nach außen.
Der Isolator ist aus Silikongummi .
Tragevorrichtung aus dünnen Rindsleder , der Tragehaken aus sehr dünnen Federblech.
Der Preis von 40,- € für so ein Deko-Bajonett ist sehr überzogen , maximal wären 10,- € realistisch.
Beste Grüsse.

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:59 pm
by mill_speer
MHF Bayonet more Pictures

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:43 pm
by Mr. B.
Excellent analysis and pictures! Thank you Gerhard! It appears to be in a class with the plastic model of the Polish AKM 6H4 bayonet and scabbard made in Japan. Just toys. I would still like to have one, but not a high priority at that price. Mike

Re: Commercial bayonet

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:28 pm
by steelmonkey
Interesting but like Mr. B (Mike) noted, "I would still like to have one, but not a high priority at that price". I can occasionally find milsurp AKM bayo's for that price and cheaper.

Thanks for the info.