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unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:15 pm
by leeco
I picked these 2 up the other day and noticed the strange hanger stud , anyone come across this before?

Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:58 pm
by Mr. B.
Two very interesting AK47 bayonets & scabbards. I've never seen flat sided hanger studs like that before. Not real sure what the bayonets and scabbards are for sure either. Russian or Finnish? Reworked or original? How are the leather hilt straps attached to the web belt hangers? Sewn or rivets? The arsenal marks and numbers appear to be original Russian, but the Russian small diamond proof/inspection marks appear to be missing on the right side of the pommel. The grip panels appear like new, however the bayonet on the left above has tool marks on the grip screws and touch up paint on the left side of the cross guard. Again possibly indicating rework? Another identification point would be the scabbard drain holes. The scabbard on the right has the Russian style hole on the front. The scabbard on the left has either no hole, (Finland), or possibly a hole on the back, (Bulgarian)?

Finding bayonets mixed in non-original scabbards is quite common, especially if one or both has been reworked. The possibility of finding two unique hanger strap studs like these on two completely different scabbards is remote. It would seem to me that at least the hangers have been reworked at some point and at approximately the same time and place. The overall mixture of bayonets & scabbards, etc. makes positive ID difficult.

Anyone else have any ideas or theories?


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:02 pm
by Brian
No idea my side, which is why I asked him to post them here :D

Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:19 pm
by leeco
few more pics

Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:07 pm
by MDIvie
Very much Russian style hangers. It appears the studs may have been ground flat on two sides to make fastening easier. I have been tempted to do this myself with some of the more stubborn strap closures I have encountered, but didn't to preserve the history.


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:13 pm
by Mr. B.
I agree with MDI. The overall appearance is Russian. My best guess is that they are a result of being reworked/refinished. Previously used/issued AK47 bayonets after the introduction of the AKM series bayonets. Whether for placing in reserve for possible future reissue or for sale/exchange with other countries is also possible. The hangers appear to be reworked/repaired in the Russian style, but are slightly different and not the same as the originals. From the overall similar appearance, especially the studs, of these two bayonets & different style scabbards, they were probably reworked/refinished at the same time and place and part of the same lot.

One other note. If we follow the assumption that the Russian scabbards had the drain hole in the front and the Bulgarian ones had the hole in the back, then the one pictured on the right above may have originally been made in Bulgaria. Somehow finding it's way to Russia to be reworked/refinished!? Very interesting.


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:17 pm
by Mr. B.
PS: Thanks for the GREAT pictures Lee! Just the right views and details. Very nice items.


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:28 pm
by MDIvie

The double band scabbard appears not to have any drain hole so it would be the "Finland" pattern. The other with the wide single band is pure Russian.

BTW, any idea why the Finns opted to not have a drain hole? Was it a planned decision or did they just get a bunch of Russian scabbards that missed the step to put the drain hole in?


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 6:22 am
by Mr. B.
Ooooops. I didn't look close enough at the picture. What I thought was a drain hole on the back side was a shadow on the print. I should have looked closer and not assumed. NO DRAIN HOLE ..... MDI is correct, probably left over from a Finnish contract.

No idea why the Finnish scabbards have no drain holes or why they used both the old double individual hanger bands or the newer stamped one piece hanger band scabbards. Maybe because that was what was available new and surplus at the time of the contract? Unfinished and undrilled. Regardless, why do some have the tu-tone Bulgarian sanding patterns as well?


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:28 pm
by mill_speer
Hanger on ak47 Variant

Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:30 pm
by mill_speer
Hanger on ak47 Variant

Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:54 pm
Those are nice additions to your collection.

The scabbard posted in AK Bayonet discussion, 1980 ‘Trench Art’, also has a flat sided hanger stud.


Re: unusal hanger on ak47

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:36 am
by Mr. B.
I was doing some research on Russian AK47 6X2 bayonet scabbard and hanger variations and noticed the illustration below in a recent Russian reference book. It appears that the flattened hilt strap stud is an recognized option. Actually a manufacturing variation and not a rework or replacement part. I will try to find out if it is mentioned in the text and post a translation. This section of the book also shows several early and late hanger variations including some previously unknown ones. Also the ones from the Finnish contracts. Mike
Scan_20200426 (3).png