New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by kstim »

Hi guys, I am Tim Meyer, a former attorney living in Eau Claire, WI. I collected WW2 German militaria, mainly daggers and medals, for many years, until the high prices and widespread fakes that resulted made me decide to get out of that hobby. In December 2016 I bought a Hungarian AKM type 1, then a copy of Martin's book, and I was hooked. I planned to stop when I had an example of each type pictured on the cover, but you know how that worked. I really do not have ambitions of collecting every variant available, I just sort of buy what I like, no real goals, I have a couple really minty pieces down to a real dog of a battlefield pickup. I just enjoy the variety, there is always something new to learn. My collection right now is very small, as someone mentioned elsewhere here, retirement is great but a fixed income not so much. I do love this forum, the accumulated knowledge is awesome. My goal is an Indian INSAS. Question for Martin? Do you plan on more books on the AK bayonet topic? I refer to yours daily, but always finding new stuff, too?
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Brian »

Welcome Tim.
I think we all want an updated book...lots of new info since then. But not sure Martin wants the stress :-D
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by kstim »

Well, can't blame him for that, although it would be awesome. There is a lot of info on the internet, places like this forum, but I'm old school and still like to have a book in my hands! This forum is fantastic, though, and I have learned a lot.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by MDIvie »

Sorry for late reply. Been off the boards for awhile. New job is keeping me hopping.
As to a new book or a new edition of the old book. I am considering working with some of the members here to summarize info from this site and some other sources into a series of monographs published through Lulu or a like print on demand publisher. Similar to what Rob Stott has done for AK rifles but with a lot of text included. I'm down to about 130 copies of my original book and have kind of been waiting to do more once they are gone.
Time is a major factor that I don't have right now.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Wildthing »

Thanks Brian for the add. Im a new member from Southern Ohio. Ive got a decent collection, mostly Romanian but nothing as serious as most of you have. I do have several near perfect (to me) Romanian Flat Pommels and some Romanians with Orange & Yellow handles. Unfortunately the Orange/Yellow have bren used and show wear on the blades. I also have a few trench art BFPU Romys . Glad to be here and learn
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by MDIvie »

Welcome Wildthing.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Brian »

Welcome. A name would be good so we can match it to the FB profile if we've seen you there?
The flat pommel ones are very nice. Only have one myself so far. Feel free to share pics of your bayos.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by ilian »

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Dragur2791 »

Hi, im Jacob from Copenhagen, Denmark. Aged 33,
I have been a life long fan of everything just remotely related to the AK. I’ve been an active airsofter since 2011 only concerned with the AK platform of weapons. In relation to that i’ve been collecting real steel russian optics and naturally ak bayonets was also just another way of collecting the “ak”. I love the historical aspects of these bayonets and I can spend hours in front of the collection, just observing the details of these items over and over again.
Im pleased to be here at the site to learn what there is to learn out there. Great to be around other guy’s who shares the same interest !!:-)

My latest top finds: yugo fighting knife mint in box
And mint hungarian 6x3 modified pommel

My top 5 favourites in collection:

1: Romanian army 6x4
2: Hungarian 6x3 Munkásör
3: Chinese green norinco
4: Romanian yellow grip
5: polish transitional 6h4 yellowish grip
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Brian »

Welcome Jacob. Would love to see some pics of those bayonets of yours. Sounds like you have some great examples.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by ilian »

Welcome Jacob! :)
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Dragur2791 »

Thanks guys :-)
Brian, I will for sure post pics of the best from my collection :razz:
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by RPBCPS »

Evening all,
well it is evening in the UK.
In the mid to late 2000's, I was a member of the KBC forum, which I was a regular contributor, and I note a few familiar names on this board from the KCA forum.

A few years back I drifted away from the collection, and prior to the introduction of the new EU firearms regulations, I sold most of my deactivated AK's.

Recently I had my interest reignited however, and I have dug out the intact AK bayonet collection from its storage box, hence my interest now in joining this board, to see what I have been missing.

To Paraphrase Bill above "I don't claim to be an expert on any subject. Just a guy who collects bayonets and enjoys sharing information and pictures with like-minded individuals".

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by ilian »

Welcome here!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by RPBCPS »

Thanks ilian,
I note you are living in France. I spent some time in the past in France, and I am currently working in Algeria. In the 1980's I served in the 2ème Régiment étranger de Parachutistes, where I got my original taste for AK's while serving in Tchad and the Central African Republic.

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Brian »

Welcome, glad to have you on board.
This isn't a hectically busy forum, but I do think we host some of the best info on these bayonets anywhere online.

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by steelmonkey »

Hello from Nevada! Been here since March of last year. I have a pretty good size collection of AK bayos that I've been buying for close to ten years now.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by slickster »

Thanks for the add Brian. My name is Paul I'm based in Manchester UK and I started collecting AK bayonets a while back. I really pursued the hobby tooth and nail and built up a nice collection including some rare pieces. Since then the hobby has taken a back seat and the bayonets were stored in the cupboard for the last few years. I've recently decided to let these beauties go to a good home as they are just taking up space. I'll be posting in the WTS section in the coming days so if you have gaps in your collection, keep an eye out for that missing piece...
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Brian »

Welcome guys!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by NICO56 »

It is with great pleasure that I join the members of this very informative forum. I live in France and my collection started in 1992 with the purchase of an East German bayonet AKM transitional
I currently own around 70 bayonets, Ak, Vz 58.
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